Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. I think it should be optional because university students are already above 18 ,namely,they are in the adult age and they can take decision about something on their own.If they think it is necessary to attend any class,they attend.For instance if I want to learn something and I think the lesson will be useful for me,I attend the class only for myself and this doesn’t interest anybody so I think that it is compulsory is nonsense.There are lots of students who attend the class for only attendence point and they do not even listen to the teacher and do not learn anything.However , if it were optional,everybody would adjust themselves considering themselves,their necessities,conditions,deficiencies,targets etc.Apart from that, I think that they do not attend rather than the students attend class but spoil the lesson and disturb others listening to the lesson is better.On the other hand,in period when we are in primary school or high school,we are educated for some exams such as oks,öss etc. and some things must be learnt for these so attending class is logical but in university period I see this as nonsense and I think chosing right should be given to university students.Somehow,any fail about students doesn’t affect teacher and if the student did make a wrong decision,its results belong to the student.