7 Kasım 2008 Cuma


When I go out,I see so many people giving harm to environment that,sometimes, I can not believe what they do. In many times, my or other people like me ' s warnings don ' t work because they are so insensitive that they don ' t see the world out of them. There are a lot of warning signboards, a lot of rubbish dumps but only a few people pay attention to this. For instance, there are " don ' t step on the grass " warnings everywhere but I see people lying, eating something, smoking, playing football, throwing litter, sleeping etc. on the grass. I don ' t know what to do but we should make these people who are insensitive to environment aware of our environment in any way because we live in this world , we breathe in this world and all of us have right to have a healthy life , healthy environment and nobody has right to interfere with our this right. For more healthy environment ,

Don ' t litter

Pay attention to your environment

Save the world!!!

look at the pictures and decide which one do you want!

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