The reasons of the leukaemia haven’t been axplained exactly yet but it has been shown with researhs that genetic,familarities,radiation,benzene and its involutions such as bali, chemical materials such as insecticide, some genetic diseases and some viral diseases cause this disease.The leukaemia can be seen at every age but it is seen in childhood period at 2-5 age most frequently and reaction to the treat lessen under age 1 and above age 10.
The symptoms : anorexia,anaemia,slimming,bone aches on legs,bleeding under the skin,gum and nose bleedings,fever.
Additionally , symptoms belonging to the organs it spreads, for example headache,vomit,stomacache,seeing disorders may carry importance.Children haematology experts determine liver and spleen expansion,expansion in lymph nodes,bleeding findings considering the complaints.
In consequence of blood,marrow,cell type definitions and genetic surveys done certain diagnosis can be put.Detailed tests in diagnosis generally help to notify leukaemia types and treat principles.
The treatment : the treatment starts firstly by improving general position.At this phase, blood or specific cells in blood are taken from donors and given to people suffering from leukaemia.If there is an infection, it is important that necessary contestations done,take precautions to protect from side effects of chemotheraphy drugs of liver,kidney and hearth.
Additionally,the ills and their families should be informed and that the leukaemia is not desperate,on the contrary, it is possible to cure it with well treatment and morale support should be explained to them.
Reşit Galip Street İlkadım Avanue Number:14
06700 Gaziosmanpaşa/ANKARA
Phone: 0 312 447 06 60
Fax:0 312 447 68 33
Additionally,LÖSEV has two journals:
-Lösev Life Journal
-Ispanak Journal
(You can also be informed about the leukaemia and Lösev from these journals)
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