THE YOUNG AGHA:The writer:Tarık Buğra.The main idea of the book:The motherland and nation attachment,thesense of independence.The sight of the Independence War from a smallvillage.Characters:The young agha:He is one of those who rendered great services toIndependence struggle.Salih:One who lost his right arm in World War I and rearned themeaning of his life with independence struggle.Çerkez Ethem:At the beginnings,he rendered great services for nation and motherland but he accepted the definitely opposite ideas and became harmful for the nation when the decision of using of regular army tecnique was accepted.Summary:The Anatolian lands are occupied by foreign forces after World WarI.The Management of Ottoman loses the control losing its power and authority.In the atmosphere like that,Turkish public starts the movement of Kuvay-ı Milliye to save their religion and
motherland.Mehmet Reşit Efendi is famous for his hearty sermons when he is at Fatih Moslem Theological School in Istanbul in 1918 and then he is sent to Akşehir in 1919.He is known as "Hodca from Istanbul" inpublic.A bit time later,he gets married with Emine.In this time,The Greeks enter into the Anatolian."Hodca from Istanbul" takes place opposite of people from Kuvay-ı Milliye and their leader,HaydarBey.He accuse people from Kuvay-ı Milliye of betraying to the nationand he wants them to support the Sultan.The order of "shoot" is out out for "Hodca from Istanbul" inAnkara.The Hodca escapes and goes near the Gang Çakırsaylı.He becomes "The Young Agha" there.Although people from Kuvay-ı Milliye catch the raiders,"The Young Agha" escapes.He keads the platoon in Tevfik Bey's gang who is Çerkez Ethem' middle-sized brother."TheYoung Agha" thinks whether he is in a right way or not time to time.The duty of catching the Hodca is given to Çolak Salih who struggled at Arabian frontage and lost his right arm in World War I.Çolak Salih set off to catch the Hodca,he finds him and talks to him.In time,theHodca,in fact,understands the precision of the movement of Kuvay-ıMilliye.He changes his mind thanks to Çolak Salih and becomes one of those who support Kuvay-ı Milliye.He has important roles to win the Independence War;he is wounded at a battle of his."The Young Agha"who supports Caliphate takes place in the side of Kuvay-ı Milliye thinking right and supports the movement of National Struggle.My view:I recommend that you read this book.It tells us our history.When we read the books about history,especially school books, we may be bored as they teach us only dates and events but this book tells the events narrating the characters and events so it does not make us bored.
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